Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Month of Flowers and Chocolates

As v-day grows closer and closer the urge to gorge myself with boxes of chocolates grows stronger. That's if i had any. And thank goodness i don't, or yesterday i would have gone through a box and a half of the sinful treats.
Thanks to the frozen roads of the north I had a body jarring, heart stopping morning. While on my morning commute I had the pleasure of hitting a patch of black ice slamming into the car in front of me and then spinning into the back end of a semi, who must not have felt a thing because mr. semi just kept on going. Thankfully my car pool buddy and i are okay, aside from some very sore necks, backs, and shoulders, but sadly my old car Freddy didn't make it. I did however end up making a batch of soft chocolate chip cookies, which my dear friends and roomies have been kind enough to gobble up for me. The act of making them is really all i needed, the act of eating them would have just stressed me out more and caused an outbreak of facial blemishing enemies.
But onto the reason for this post, i recently came across a diet that recommended 2 tablespoons of vinegar diluted in water every morning to decrease your appetite. I tried it a couple mornings and it definitely decreased my appetite but not in a pleasant way. Anyone out there with any non-stomach churning recommendations?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Mission Statement

No more sizing up, it is time for us to size down. Minimizing must start somewhere, why not with our body's and our day to day lives? It is time for us to lose the unwanted pounds and get back to our old selves that we once were happy with. For Miss Lane, the goal is to lose 45 pounds, being 5' 3" and 160 is not healthy, joining her on this quest is Mrs. Lynn who aims to lose 25 pounds. Our incentive? To feel better about our bodies and be able to fit into that teeny weeny string bikini and not have rolls coming over the sides.

Our rules for each other thus far:
  • Eat Breakfast
  • No Pop, (AT ALL!!)
  • Replace 1 meal a day with a cup of yogurt
  • You want a snack? Too Bad! Have a glass of water instead.
  • No Skipping Meals
  • Drink lots of tea, (no adding sugar)
  • Drink at least 8 tall glasses of water a day
  • Eat raw veggies, (smothering them in dressing defeats the purpose so just don't do it)
  • Whole grain, non sugary cereal is a go
  • Package up those big plates and bowls, only use the smalls ones. The bigger the dish the more food we eat!
  • Dim the lights when you eat, not for the ambiance, because the brighter the lights the faster you eat!
  • Having a sandwich? get rid of that top piece of bread, that right there is 100 calories!

We will be posting other things we do to lose weight, recipes, exercise regimes and our updated weights. Have any advice or words of wisdom? Feel free to leave a little something down below we would love to hear it!